Buddha Bounce (Slackline Trick Tutorial)

In this tutorial you will learn from start to finish how to do a buddha bounce on a slackline.  This is one of those tricks that is pretty intensive and can hurt your legs when first starting out so  it would be a good idea to wear pants or socks that cover the lower parts of your legs. This is obviously not required but is definitely suggested.

The first step is to learn how you need to sit in the buddha position on a slackline as you will need to be comfortable with this before moving any further.

To achieve this, while sitting on the line, first bring one leg up and put in on top of the line at a right angle.

Next bring up your other leg and put it through the right angle made with the first leg.  Now bring that front leg towards your body so that the outside of both legs along the shin area are in contact with the slackline.    Practice balancing in this position until you have it mastered because if you don’t feel comfortable sitting like this you will not be able to bounce like this.

Once comfortable start bouncing up and down on the line slowly while keeping your balance.  Slowly increase the amount that you move until you eventually leave the slackline.  This learning process can be assisted by a friend standing next to the line so that you can put a hand on their shoulder.

Now that you know how to do this in the buddha position you can move on to entering this position from a butt bounce.

Practice transferring from a butt position to a buddha position and back again over and over until you are comfortable.

After you have mastered the previous said transition it is time to move on to a transfer from  standing up on the line to the buddha sit.  This one will be scary at first but stick with it and stay safe.

As always with aerial tricks it is a great idea to put some type of padding below the line if you have that luxury.

Take your time, this trick does not come easy to most but you will get it with time!


Buddha Bounce Slackline Trick