Half Pipe (Contact Juggling Trick Tutorial)

In this tutorial you will learn the basics of doing the half pipe contact juggling technique.  It is called a half pipe because of the motion that the ball travels from start to finish of the move.  This trick starts and ends in a tripod.

At the beginning of this trick the ball is held in a simple tripod which is where you hold the fushigi with the tips of your pointer middle and ring fingers.

Next allow the ball to fall down into the palm of your hand.  After the ball gets to the palm of your hand allow it to keep rolling onto the back of you other hand  into a cradle hold.

At this point you want to switch the ball from the cradle position that it is in now to a cradle hold with your original hand that the trick started out with which allows the ball to roll a bit further.

Now let the ball keep rolling into the palm of your opposite hand and with the momentum that it has up into a tripod to finish off the trick.

When this trick is done correctly and you get the hang of it the ball will seamlessly roll from a tripod position in one hand to a tripod position in the other hand.

As a variation you can increase the size of your half pipe by using more length of your arm inserted right after the palm sections of the trick.

This is a really fun move to learn and is quite impressive once you have mastered it, good luck!


Half Pipe Contact Juggling Trick