Butt Bounce (Slackline Trick Tutorial)

In this quick tutorial you will learn four main tricks surrounding the butt bounce on a slackline.  Each is broken down step by step and by the end you will have the knowledge to go out and start trying these tricks on your own.  Bouncing on a slackline is pretty advanced so make sure that you have fully mastered the basics before trying any type of bounce.  Bouncing on a line is fun but be sure to do it as safely as possible.  Make sure that the area surrounding your slackline is clear of any obstacles that you might hit when you fall off, because this is bound to happen.  Before starting you need to make sure that the slackline ratchet is in the locked position.  It is always good to use tree protection if trees are your mounting points because when bouncing it is much more stressful on the mounting locations and can potentially break the bark on a tree.  Start out practicing by sitting with your feet next to the line and slowly bouncing up and down to get a feel for how the line responds.  Next try a simple butt bounce from a squatted position landing back into the squatted position.  After you have mastered this you can move on to trying a butt bounce from the standing position.   Remember like always keep your shoulders facing down the line towards the anchor point and eyes fixed strait ahead. Be safe and have fun!

Butt Bounce Slackline Trick

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