Chestbounce (Slackline Trick Tutorial)

In this tutorial you will learn the steps to mastering the chest bounce on a slackline.  Remember that this is a very advanced type of slackline trick so don’t be doing this until you are very confident with all of the basics.  Make sure that the area around the slackline is clear of any obstacles as falling off and hitting something is no good and can be a session ender.  If you have a mat, mattress, or any padding that you can put underneath the line this is always beneficial, trust me.  This is definitely one of those tricks that you want to have a complete understanding of how to do before attempting it.  If you don’t know exactly how you are supposed to land on the line you are bound to end up hurting yourself.   If you are most comfortable having your left leg on the line then you will want the line to go diagonally up to the right side of your chest. This is just opposite if you are more comfortable having your right leg on the line.  Whichever leg you choose to be on the line, the knee should be on one side while the foot is positioned on the opposite site.  The other leg should just hang down however is most comfortable.  Your opposite hand of the leg you have chosen should palm the line which will give you stability and allow you to control the bounce all the way through.  Once you have established this position start practicing by slowly bouncing up and down on the line with out leaving it.  As you get more comfortable begin to rebound more aggressively until you eventually start to get some air and leave the line with your body.  Once you are fully comfortable leaving the line in this position you can take the big step to falling into this controlled position from standing.  This is a really fun trick once you get the hang of it and allows you to open up your skillset on a whole new horizon.  As always be careful, take your time, and learn it at incremental steps.

Chestbounce Slackline Trick

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