Faster Than Gravity (Kendama Trick Tutorial)

In this tutorial you will learn from start to finish the best way to do the kendama trick called faster than gravity.  This trick is performed by holding the kendama in a ken grip and letting the tama hang directly down.

You want your arms to be up high at the beginning of this trick in order to give yourself more time to complete the trick.  You need to make sure that when you do this move that you don’t pull up at all as this will cause the tama to rotate and you need the hole to stay facing directly down at the ground.

When you are ready, drop your arm down as fast as you can keeping the spike facing directly up to the sky.  At the same time drop your stance into a squatted position as this will give you the most amount of time to get the spike.

A good way to see where you need to put the spike, the big hole, is to look and focus on where the string attaches to the tama.  You know that the big hole is directly opposite of that.

This is one of those tricks that takes a lot of speed and precision.  It may not come easily at first but stick with it you will get it!

Faster Than Gravity Kendama Trick


Kendama ToySkills Skill Toy