Hand Roll (Kendama Trick Tutorial)

In this tutorial you will learn the steps that you need to take to do the kendama trick know as a hand roll. This is one of those tricks that you need a lot of room to perform.  So first things first either go outside or make sure that there is nothing around that you or anyone you know values. Besides being outside is good for you.

The first thing that you are going to want to do is hold the tama with the string hole facing up towards the sky. Begin by swinging the ken up and over the back of your hand.  Allow it to keep rolling around until the ken hits the back of you hand.  When this happens you know that it is time to retake control of the ken in your hand.  As quickly as possible grab the ken in a ken grip while allowing the tama to continue to rotate.

At this point it is time to finish off the trick.  You can catch the tama on any of the cups or in a spike. it is really up to you and your skill level.

In order to best perform this trick it is important that you always have string tension on the line when it is spinning around your hand.  This is important for a trick like this because you need to always be in control of the kendama or else it is going to go flying into something or someone.

Good luck with this one, and be careful.  Don’t hit yourself in the face, or break anything.

Hand Roll Kendama Trick


Kendama ToySkills Skill Toy