Double Drop Knee (Slackline Trick Tutorial)
You will learn in this tutorial the exact steps that you need to take to do a double drop knee trick on a slackline. Before attempting to do a double drop knee you should make sure that you have mastered the single drop knee. The best way to get into the trick is to start own by doing the drop knee and then extending your foot out into a foot plant. After getting into the foot plant position slide your front foot back towards your body and getting the top of your front foot onto the line. Begin shifting the weight of your body off to the side of the line. As you do this bring your upper body to the opposite side of the line to even out your total weight over the center of the line. At this point both of your knees will be in the double drop knee position on the same side of the line. This is a difficult position to hold for extended periods of time but once you get it this is a very impressive slackline trick. You can also get into this position without first going into a foot plant but it is sometimes for difficult for people to do. Getting out of the double drop knee position is an exact reverse of the process that you took to get into it. When learning this trick it is best to not have your slackline too high off of the ground because you are bound to fall off a couple of times when trying to learn the trick. You can place a mat or padding below for a little bit of extra safety if you have that luxury. Have fun and you will be mastering this skill soon enough!