In this tutorial you will learn a really cool trick called the Rocket Mount. This is definitely not the easiest way to get onto a slackline but it is definitely impressive if you can figure it out. You will first see how it is performed and then broken down step by step so that you too can perform the trick on a slackline. This is one of those mounts that is great for when you have a slackline that is elevated higher than normal. This mount can be dangerous if you attempt to go at it carelessly. So remember to take your time and have a full understanding of what is going on and how you need to perform the trick. This is just an introduction where you will be presented with the basics of the skill and requires extra effort on your part to really understand how to do it. Go out and practice so that you too can add this unique trick to your growing skillset. I hope that you will be able to utilize this tutorial in order to help you on your journey to mastering the slackline.